The New York Tri-State area is one of the most scenic along the Eastern seaboard. It also commands some of the highest property values in our country. From New Jersey into New England, across Long Island’s North Shore and Westchester County are all areas renowned for their magnificent tree-lined residential neighborhoods. These trees, however, can also play a major role in creating storm damage. Lightning, gale force winds, rain, and ice can cause all or part of even a healthy tree to fall, causing damage and loss to your property or your neighbors’. Did you know? Only half of the property damage insurance claims filed by homeowners are fully paid out? And that a percentage of homeowner submitted claims are outright denied by their insurance companies?Â
These are sobering considerations which underscore the need for contacting a professional public adjuster company prior to submitting any property damage claims. The rationale is simple: according to a government accountability agency in 2021, claims recoveries for property damages submitted by public adjusters paid out substantially higher than those claims submitted by homeowners – at a rate upwards of 1,000% higher! In addition, while homeowner-submitted claims were frequently paid out at far lower amounts than submitted, there were no undervalued claims payouts on claims prepared and submitted by professional public adjusters.Â
There’s your reason for partnering with United Public Adjusters & Appraisers! United’s public adjuster service areas are concentrated in the Northeast, however we provide professional services throughout the country. Turn to our team for assistance, not only with claims preparation and submission, but also as needed for relocation, estimation, contents asset-loss inventories, engineer reports -in short, everything you and your property require to return it to optimal condition as quickly as possible, without sacrificing quality or your peace of mind. Schedule a confidential consultation at your earliest convenience. We are here for you at 800-718-5677.