It was bad enough when that freak storm tore some shingles off your roof and water invaded your home’s second story. You promptly threw a tarp up over the damage, then prepared and filed your property insurance claim with your carrier. But that was weeks ago and to date, you have not received any updates from your insurance adjuster who is not returning your calls, and no settlement check. Now, upstairs where the water spots and bulging drywall first appeared, there are telltale signs that due to the warmer temperatures, mold has developed. The problem is bigger than you thought, but your claim does not address this additional issue. What can you do? Who can you contact that will go to bat for you with your insurer?
The solution lies in a call to United Public Adjusters & Appraisers to step in and assist with your property insurance claim. You may not be aware, but there are state insurance industry regulations with which your carrier must comply. These include turnaround times for your claim after it has been received. Another specified period of time is when should more information/documentation be required that they contact you for. This is the time frame wherein once all supporting documentation has been supplied, either a settlement check or a claim denial must be made. These timelines are frequently stretched to their limits in the wake of a natural disaster. This impacts a widespread area when carriers will be inundated by claims. However, the regulations are still in effect.
On other occasions, industry regulators may have randomly selected your claim as one they are investigating. This is seldom the case, but it does happen and can extend the claim processing timeline considerably. If your claim is being investigated, your carrier is not likely to admit this to you. Or, your claim may also be under scrutiny, as your carrier suspects your damage may have been caused by some forces other than those that you are claiming. In either case, contact United Public Adjusters & Appraisers. When you feel that you are not being ‘heard’ by your carrier, that your settlement offer is unjust, or that the process is just taking too long, let us know, and we will investigate and negotiate on your behalf.
For example, in the event of residual damages such as mold, we can substantiate documenting and submitting a corrected claim. If your settlement offer is too low to meet your needs, our team will negotiate with your carrier on your behalf to bring about the highest settlement that your policy allows. As for extended timelines, we can ask for a release of funds, as well as an increased settlement amount to cover the cost of temporary housing for your family and business owners, if the event has caused business interruption as well as impacted productivity. There are many more aspects to ‘being there’ for our clients during their property insurance claim process. Our many residential and commercial clients state that our efforts provide them with both positive outcomes and true peace of mind.
Learn more by contacting our team today!
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