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How to Protect Your Home During Hurricane Season

Down banyan tree in Miami Florida by hurricane Irma

Hurricane-related home damages can be among the most costly, particularly for those on the East Coast. With this, homeowners should know there are two main things to consider. One is knowing how to protect your home in the event of a hurricane and the other is to know how to deal with making a hurricane damage claim after tragedy strikes.

In reality, some of the things that come with hurricanes simply can’t be prepared for. So for the time being, we’ll focus on what is in our control. When you hear news about a hurricane on the way, be sure to follow these steps before it hits.

  • Close/lock your windows and doors
  • Reseal windows that need better insulation
  • Install a heavy-duty bolt to your doors
  • Reseal any old singles or seams on your roof
  • Bring any ungrounded patio furniture inside
  • Trim all tree branches within 10 feet of your house
  • Clean your gutters
  • If you have a basement, invest in a good sump pump
  • Assemble a survival kit (water, non-perishable foods, first-aid, etc.)

Though as we said, we can only control so much. So after doing your best to prepare, get through the storm safely. If you experience any significant home damage, it might be time to submit a hurricane damage claim. A trusted public adjuster, such as United Public Adjusters will help manage and settle your hurricane damage claim and maximize your overall settlement. 

United Public Adjusters requires no upfront fees. We start by inspecting the damages to gather the appropriate information that we use to settle with your insurance company. A little secret? Insurance companies are always looking to cut corners, which is why you need someone like United Public Adjusters to handle them for the maximum settlement on your hurricane damage claim. You can get a complimentary review from us today if you’re thinking of going through your insurance company.


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