Winter is not the only time that condo and coop owners have to be on their guard against property damage to their units or communities. With Spring comes warmer weather and more activity in and around their properties, including common spaces such as lobbies, walkways, and even playgrounds. Routine seasonal property maintenance ensures that roofing will be inspected to see if the freeze and thaw conditions of the previous Winter have taken a toll on shingles and flat roofing membranes. But the potential for Springtime property damage exists wherever water is present, including basement laundries, and indoor or rooftop pools, all may have been negatively impacted by temperature fluctuations and faulty mechanical systems. No one wants to have to submit a property damage claim. However, in the event that you have to submit an insurance claim, United Public Adjusters & Appraisers can guide you through the entire property damage insurance claims process. In this posting, our team would like to remind residents to assist their Management and Maintenance staffers by being vigilant about potential issues in their community and in their unit’s upkeep – regardless of whom their bylaws state is responsible for repairs and/or replacement. Make it part of your Spring Cleaning routine. Here are a few items to consider as well, since maintaining a safe, secure, and attractive community not only makes it an enjoyable place to live but also increases property values.
Grounds Maintenance
Improving your community’s property values is everyone’s responsibility. While landscapers and maintenance staff are pruning trees and shrubs, cleaning and repairing exterior lighting, and repairing cracked or broken concrete paved surfaces, residents can declutter their patios, remove any objects that can be ‘seen’ by prospective buyers and have their windows washed, outside as well as inside. It’s a fact, well-groomed properties telegraph to potential unit buyers that a condominium or cooperative community is a desirable place to live. So if you see any damage to a paved surface, or cracked or broken terrazzo flooring in the lobby or common area, report it to Management/Maintenance at once. Not only is it a safety issue, but assuming someone will ‘take care of it’ could impact your unit’s value. That’s something to think about if you are considering a bank loan to upgrade/renovate/refurnish your residence anytime this year.
Interior Maintenance
As you spruce up your surroundings, take note of changes in your unit’s interior. Are those settlement cracks on your walls, or something more serious? If your ice maker fridge is more than 10 years old and frozen foods are soft, replace it before it becomes a serious liability to your property and potentially to your neighbors. Remember, no one looks forward to preparing and submitting a property damage claim! While you are at it, when was the last time you cleaned your kitchen outtake? Grease that accumulates in a range hood can be a potential fire hazard. Also, if you have an in-unit laundry, have a professional at least once a year to completely clean the entire length of your dryer hose. Dryer lint presents a major fire hazard.
Springtime is considered to be a time of renewal. Make it a point to refresh your premises while keeping an eye out for property damage and potential future property damage issues. Should you need assistance to document and prepare a property damage claim, be sure to put United Adjusters & Appraisers in your cell phone contacts list. Our team of professionals can guide you throughout the entire property damage insurance claims process. We will additionally negotiate with your carrier to bring about a settlement in line with your needs and your policy allowances. Why wait? Give our team a call today!
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