For any business owner or stakeholder who has been impacted by damage and asset losses, the key factor is how to mitigate the losses while remaining not only up and running, but fully productive. In short — being in continuous operations is critical to your bottom line. Every business owner carries business insurance. However, the true test of its efficacy is when a business property damage claim has to be submitted. When disaster strikes and damage occurs, it does not matter if the losses are due to a storm, fire, or other cause. The most important step you can make to ensure that your business can stay in business is to contact United Public Adjusters & Appraisers to represent your interests with your insurance carrier as your business public adjuster.
Having to submit an insurance claim at this pivotal time presents a great burden to every stakeholder. Yet, it is essential that this extremely important step not be rushed. There are numerous reasons to partner with a business public adjuster for assistance. United Public Adjusters & Appraisers will not only help with the crucial steps involved in assessing damages and/or losses, documenting and submitting the business property damage claim, but also continue to provide support by overseeing every step of the claims process including negotiations with your carrier. This will bring about the highest settlement your Business Owner Policy (BOP) allows.
The all-important fact to remember is that the insurance adjuster works for the insurance company. Their goal is to protect their bottom line, not yours. This means that your settlement offer is likely not to be what you expect, instead, it could be far lower than your requirements to return to full operations as quickly as possible. As your business public adjuster, you can expect full support from the United team. If your office, storage, warehouse, or other facilities are uninhabitable, our team will work to help you locate and move into temporary quarters. Would your insurance adjuster assist you with that? Take it as a no, especially, as after your claim has been submitted, you may find this individual does not return your calls.
It is also not a requirement to bring in United Public Adjusters & Appraisers as your business public adjuster team at the onset. We often receive calls from policyholders who trusted their carrier to keep them in the loop, however, delays have become lengthy, they have received requests for documents, evaluations, and or cost-estimates from their insurers or unknown third parties, have received an offer that pays out only for a portion of their claim, or even have received a denial letter and cannot decipher the industry terms or what next steps to take. At whatever phase of the business property damage claim process you engage us in, United will come in fighting for you. We have your back as well as the professionalism and experience to turn your insurance claim outcome into one that fulfills or exceeds your expectations. Learn more by contacting United Public Adjusters & Appraisers today.