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Case Studies

Case Study – Fire Damage at Warwick, NY Home


Type of Damage: Fire
Date of Loss: 6/22/2019
Rebuild Finished: 8/2020


The clients, Nancy and Richard Pennings, lost their home in Warwick, New York to a fire. Their home’s remote location and lack of fire hydrant access were contributing factors to its devastation. In addition to the complete destruction of their single-family, wood-frame house as well as their possessions, the three-car garage with a second floor, and spacious, resort-style backyard which included a large, in-ground swimming pool, were impacted as well.


Within 24 hours, our team met with the homeowners, then worked to secure them immediate shelter and later longer term housing. Our goal was not only to handle all aspects of their claim, but also to ensure their safety and security, while assisting to return their lives to normal as swiftly as possible.

While certainly a sensitive time for the owners, however, it was very important to quickly compile a complete list of the home’s contents to create a full inventory estimated loss statement. Together with the insured, our team reviewed a floor plan of their home, room by room, sketching what had been positioned where down to the smallest detail including the contents of drawers. The insured also provided pre-loss photos. Additional documentation included receipts, renovation photos, as well as images from social media outlets. These details not only proved the former existence of an item, but also its brand and level of quality. Accurate descriptions can be vital. By fully documenting all lost possessions, United Public Adjusters could submit a comprehensive and accurate claim to receive compensation for like and kind replacement value.

Next, we scrutinized all documentation, and carefully reviewed all policies associated with their property. Key to receiving an optimal payout is the coverage for the property, including extensions. For protection against losses such as the Penningings experienced, opting for insurance policies that offered both guaranteed replacement cost, for their primary residence and its contents as well as extended dwelling replacement cost for damage to outbuildings, landscaping, and walkways, was crucial to obtaining the maximum settlement their policies allowed.


Initially, the insurance company offered a low-ball settlement that was completely unacceptable. Chiefly, the insurer was setting their limit for the value of the insureds’ possessions, then precipitously depreciating this figure. With persistence, and by performing due diligence and negotiation with the insurer, our team made certain that the true policy limits were applied without depreciation. The United Public Adjusters team was instrumental in achieving for their clients a payout settlement in excess of 178.75% over their policy cap, and 510.71% over the original settlement check offered by the insurance company!


Within 14 months, under the guidance and assistance of United Public Adjusters & Appraisers, the clients were able to return to their rebuilt home. Here is what they had to say:

“We are very grateful for United Public Adjusters & Appraisers. They were extremely knowledgeable and so helpful at a time when we were completely distraught. We are very happy we went with them, they are definitely worth every penny. When we lost everything in a devastating fire, Philip Maltaghati and his associates, Ryan Casali, James Southard, and Anthony DeLorenzo were there in less than 24 hours. They were there for us every step of the way and knew about all the money we were entitled to and made sure that we received it. We had no idea about policy limits. The important thing is, the United Public Adjusters team did, and they made sure we received every cent that our policies allowed, so we could rebuild- fully, completely, and as quickly as possible.

Philip, Ryan, James, and Anthony were available to us 24/7 if we had any concerns or questions. They even had staff to help set us up with a rental while we rebuilt our home. There was so much we knew nothing about. Thankfully, Phil and his staff at United Public Adjusters & Appraisers are very experienced, reliable, and knowledgeable. Their team made sure we received everything we needed and were entitled to. I cannot say enough good things about them.”

-Nancy and Richard  Penningings


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